BrightBenefits provides a variety of dental and vision products and plan designs that employers want, making it easy for producers to recommend us. And we appreciate our producer community, so we offer forward-thinking programs that recognize how valuable they are, to BrightBenefits and the members we all serve. We look forward to working with producers all over the country.
To share your files with BrightBenefits, please log in using the credentials that were provided to you. If you have already completed your contracting paperwork, send it to your BrightBenefits representative using your secure email, or upload it here with the username and password we’ve provided you.
If you have questions or need further assistance, contact your BrightBenefits representative or email us at
What is low vision, and is it covered by vision insurance?
Posted on July 06, 2021 at 5:00 am
“I need glasses – that means I have low vision, right?” Wrong! So, what is low vision? Low vision is the loss of sight that is not correctible with prescription eyeglasses, contact...
Dental and vision: Why you should present them to every client as a bundled offering
Posted on March 15, 2021 at 5:40 am
Through still referred to as ancillary benefits, dental and vision coverage are anything but, and their status is continuing to grow as “must-have” benefits for employers to offer their ...
2021 ELITE Broker Bonus Program
Posted on January 15, 2021 at 6:00 am
Earn more, as your book of business grows: Bonus % Annualized premium sold 1.0% $200,000 - $399,999 1.5% $400,000 - $599,999 2.0% $600,000 - $799,999...
Check out our BrightVision products
Posted on October 14, 2020 at 6:00 am
BrightVision, BrightVision Expanded and BrightVision Essential vision products are powered by three of the largest vision networks in the country. We’ve carefully designed the plans to maximize ...